Top Common Makeup Mistakes and How To Avoid Them
Whether you are new to applying face makeup or you have done so for years, there may be ways that you can enhance your appearance. In some cases, you may make one of many common mistakes and not even realize it. These are common makeup mistakes and ways you can avoid them.
Zero Moisturizing
Many women do not realize how important a good quality moisturizer is for your skin and makeup. They think that foundation is the basis of your makeup pallet, but it is not.
Great makeup starts way before you apply your first layer of foundation. You need to care for your skin first. You should have a gentle cleanser and toner. You may also use facial oil, just as you would use body oil, if necessary. However, you should always moisturize. Your skin needs it, and your foundation won’t sit on your skin properly without it.
Using the Wrong Foundation Color
Some women don’t wear the right foundation or the right foundation color. To find the best foundation color, identify your skin tone, whether it is deep, medium, light or fair. Check your jawline to find your tone.
Next, search for your undertone, which you can find by viewing the vein color on your wrist. Also, consider how your skin reacts to the sun. Does it burn? Do you tan? Consider the jewelry that looks the best on you. Does silver or gold look best on you?
If you both burn and tan and can wear any kind of jewelry, you have a neutral tone. If you wear gold best and your veins look greenish, you have warm undertones. If your veins are blue, you burn in the sun and silver looks best on you, you have cool undertones.
Choose a foundation that matches your tone and undertones. It should appear to meld with your skin. You shouldn’t have any lines or look obvious on your skin.
Using the Same Foundation as When You Were Young
You shouldn’t be using the same foundation you did when you started wearing makeup. You may have started with a drugstore brand that you could afford, but as you age, you need more for your foundation. Choose a high-quality moisturizing, creamy option, such as Patrick Ta foundation, rather than powdered or caked foundations as you reach your 30s and beyond.
Using Too Much or the Wrong Concealer
When you see bags under your eyes from lack of sleep or a busy day before going out, you may reach for your concealer and heap it on. However, this can make you look older. Therefore, first, make sure your concealer is in the right shade. You want to avoid highlighting your blemishes and wrinkles. You also want to avoid your makeup looking cakey.
Applying Your Makeup in the Wrong Light
When you put your makeup on, you should be in a room with good natural light or a daylight or soft white bulb. The light should come from in front of you but behind your mirror. Avoid choosing a build that is either too bright or too dim. You should be able to see clearly without the light hurting your eyes.
For the best-looking makeup, identify whether you have made these mistakes and others and take steps to fix them.