How to Pack Clothes for Moving

Packing clothes can sometimes feel overwhelming as you stand before your closet, wondering how to fit all your favourite items into a box.

It does not, however, need to be quite so exhausting. With the right technique, it can even be astonishingly easy. So, let us go over creative ideas to make your relocation as perfect as possible.

Starting With Decluttering

Eliminating what you do not need can help you store your clothes more effectively. Look at your wardrobe carefully, even before you start placing your clothes into the boxes.

If you have not used it in six months, you can likely do without it. You can skip this step when looking over seasonal pieces like winter coats, though.

Check the general state of your clothes during this decluttering session. Have certain items outlived their purpose? Donate anything in good shape but no longer fits you, and recycle or toss worn-out items.

You will be surprised by how much easier packing is when you are not wasting valuable space on unused pieces. Moreover, this frees up room for truly important items—a win-win situation.

Choosing the Right Moving Bins

Now, let us talk about packing containers. Grabbing the largest boxes you can find can be tempting if you believe you have a large wardrobe.

That is a typical mistake, though. Moving boxes quickly get heavy, particularly when loaded with clothing. Hauling a box that is too heavy to lift, or worse, one that splits open, is the last thing you want.

Choose medium-sized containers instead. They are not overly heavy and still provide enough space. You can rely on a packing and removal service to get the right materials.

Wardrobe boxes are also quite handy. These tall units include a built-in hanging rack, so you can skip folding your items altogether.

This is the ideal approach to keeping your clothing wrinkle-free during the journey, particularly when packing delicate pieces or formal attire.

If you are stowing heavier pieces like pants or coats, remember to reinforce the bottom of your boxes with extra tape. You do not want to encounter a nasty surprise when you haul them onto the moving truck.

Packing Techniques: Roll, Fold, or Hang?

Depending on how you pack them, your clothes will appear rather different when you unload them at your new house. Moving presents a typical conundrum: should you roll, fold, or hang your garments?


This method is great for casual attire, including t-shirts, pyjamas, and even jeans. Rolling makes the best use of space and helps prevent creases.

This will allow you to pack more clothing into a moving box and is ideal for soft items that do not need to retain their shape.


Usually, this is the preferred option for heavier objects like sweaters or jackets. Stow them orderly inside the box, but try not to overpack since this will cause wrinkles.

If your wardrobe includes dress shirts or other wrinkle-prone items, properly folding them with tissue paper will assist in retaining their form while travelling.


Wardrobe bins are highly practical for managing a large wardrobe. These boxes allow you to transport garments directly from your closet without needing to remove their hangers.

For coats, gowns, and suits that would lose their shape if packed in any other manner, this is especially helpful.

Tagging and Sorting

When you are deep in the daunting task of organising your closet, the last thing you want is to rummage through messy boxes just to find one specific item. It is like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Sort your summer and winter clothes in different boxes, starting with similar pieces. This way, if you are moving in summer, you do not have to open containers loaded with coats and thick jumpers until you truly need them.

Do not forget to identify boxes containing delicate items, like suits or gowns. This will enable you to be rather careful when handling them.

How to Pack Shoes, Accessories, and Valuables

Clothes are one thing, but what about shoes, caps, or accessories like belts and scarves? Though packing them can be more difficult, there are simple fixes that will keep everything orderly and secure.


You certainly do not want your sneakers and high-heeled footwear to mix with other items. If you still have them, store your shoes in their original boxes. In case you cannot find them, wrap every shoe in packing paper.

To help your shoes retain their shape, tuck paper inside them. Finally, arrange them in a strong box, with lighter shoes on top and heavier pieces like boots at the bottom.

Hats, Belts, and Scarves

To conserve space, store them with each other. However, make sure they are carefully cushioned with paper to prevent damage. To avoid tangled-up belts, scarves, and ties, roll and store them in little boxes or bags.


Small, precious items are the most prone to getting lost or misplaced. Carrying small, safe containers with you during the trip will help you pack valuable belongings like jewellery. Little pouches or boxes are perfect for this purpose.

Crucial Items to Keep Handy

When you arrive, worn out from the relocation, you do not want to discover that all of your work clothes or pyjamas have been buried within a sea of moving boxes. Pack a first-day box to avoid this hassle.

Think of it as packing for a weekend trip. This box should contain all the items you will need for the first couple of days.

Add adequate toiletries, clothing for a few days, and everything else you cannot live without, including chargers or meds.

While you gradually unload the remainder of your clothes, having these things on hand can help you settle in far more easily.


There is no reason packing your clothes for a relocation should cause trouble.

You can get your whole wardrobe from point A to point B easily with some preparation, the right packing methods, and clever use of moving containers.

Remember that proper organisation is essential whether you are hanging, folding, or rolling your garments. Moreover, decluttering before you pack will streamline the process even more.

Here is to a flawless, wrinkle-free journey!

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