Staying Prepared With First Aid Kits
Emergencies happen, often without any warning. These frightful events can be difficult to manage without the right equipment readily available. Unfortunately, it can be hard to find needed materials in these situations. However, being prepared with at least basic materials can help prevent an emergency from becoming worse.
Benefits of Being Prepared
Being prepared for an emergency can mean the difference between life and death in many situations. First Aid Kits are a way for individuals to keep needed materials on hand in case of an unexpected event or injury. Even the simplest of kits can be a massive benefit when an emergency occurs.
One of the biggest benefits of a first aid kit is providing basic medical care when an accident occurs. Sometimes, immediate care is necessary. When faced with a serious injury, waiting for emergency services could create further damage. In some cases, contacting help may not be possible. A first aid kit can save lives.
In addition to having a kit to provide first aid, it may be a good idea to keep other supplies available to help in a variety of situations. From basic first aid to managing a difficult situation, having the necessary materials can make a big difference in the outcome.
Basic Kit for All Emergencies
All emergency kits should contain basic first aid supplies. These supplies help ensure that everything from minor injuries to major medical emergencies can be managed until professional care can be provided. Every home, vehicle, and supply kit for outings should have these basic items.
Adhesive tape, nonstick sterile pads, gauze, and bandages are an absolute necessity for any first aid box. There should also be antibiotic ointment, cotton balls, and swabs, as well as disinfecting materials, such as alcohol wipes or peroxide, to clean any wound.
A first aid box should also contain disposable gloves, eye shields or pads, and saline for irrigating eyes or wounds. Some other items that could be very important in case of an emergency include petroleum jelly, a rubber tourniquet, finger splints, and a breathing barrier.
The kit should also contain some tools to assist with applying various treatments for injuries and illnesses. Scissors, tweezers, safety pins, slings, superglue, thermometers, and bulb suction devices are all very helpful tools when faced with a variety of emergencies.
In addition to antibiotic and antiseptic materials, the kit should also contain some standard medications. Aloe Vera gel, calamine lotion, laxatives, anti-diarrhea medication, and antacids are good things to keep handy in the kit.
Hydrocortisone, cough and cold medicines, antihistamines, and pain relievers are also an important part of this kit. Personal medications that do not need refrigeration and an auto-injector of epinephrine should also be in the kit.
Having duplicate kits, when possible, can ensure the proper materials are available when needed. It is always better to have too many emergency supply kits than to be without something needed in a dire situation.
Specific Emergencies
There are different types of emergencies individuals should be prepared for. In addition to having a basic supply of first aid materials, some emergencies are more likely than others. In these cases, specific supplies for those situations should be considered.
For example, some emergencies may only happen in the home. Power outages and heating losses are common issues people face in their homes. Keeping specific supplies for these situations can save a lot of problems throughout the emergency.
In addition to the home’s first aid and medicine cabinet supplies, homeowners should also keep an easily accessible kit for home emergencies. These kits should include power and lighting sources, such as batteries, power blocks, flashlights, candles, or even a solar energy collecting device.
Extra blankets or even foil space blankets can be handy in these kits in case of power loss. If space is available, individuals should store extra water and shelf-stable food items to last a few days. These types of kits could help protect families from a variety of harm in some extreme emergencies. A battery or solar-powered radio is also a good choice for emergency broadcasts.
In the car, other types of supplies could be beneficial. First aid supplies and even some extra water and snacks can help in case of a breakdown. Emergency flares and road signals are a good option for a car kit. Keeping a tool in reach that can break a window or cut a seatbelt is also a good idea to have in a car.
Space blankets, cooling packs, and warming packs may also be a good idea to keep in a vehicle. A map, batteries, and a flashlight are also good items to have in case one’s phone is not working. Drivers should also keep a set of basic tools and fluids for their vehicles. Although most drivers may depend on roadside service to help in such a situation, sometimes cell service may not be available, or there are no service providers in the area to tow the car immediately.
Identifying specific emergencies that are more common to occur in various places can help individuals prepare for such a thing. Being prepared can help lessen the stress and danger of the situation.
Specific Environments
When planning an emergency kit, individuals should consider their specific environment. The weather in their specific location or even the terrain they are in or will be in should be considered to ensure the best supplies are available. For example, if planning to hike on a 100-degree day, chances are high that the individual will not need a warming pack.
Major disasters can happen at any time. These can be devastating, not just to the individual but to entire communities. When a disaster hits, it is important to have the right tools for the environment to ensure safety until help arrives.
Preparing extra water for any emergency is always a good idea. However, it is not always possible to keep large supplies of water readily available. Keeping water-cleaning tablets or devices in an emergency kit can be helpful in such a situation. There are even tools available to make it easier to access water at public utility sources in case the need arises.
In colder environments, individuals should keep warming materials available. Plastic sheeting can help make a shelter if necessary. Even keeping canned heat can be beneficial in these situations. Matches or lighters can also be a great tool to ignite these materials to keep warm in a disaster.
Extra clothing can be beneficial in a disaster. Especially in wet environments, extra socks or dry clothes could help individuals stay warm and comfortable. Dry socks can be very important for protecting the feet when walking is required to get needed help.
Sunscreen and hats can be beneficial in warmer climates. Heat strokes and sunburns only add to the danger in disaster situations. Understanding the specific environment and the possible challenges it can create will help individuals create an emergency kit that will work for them.
Specific Activities
There are a variety of activities individuals take part in that have specific risks. When planning one of these activities, individuals need to prepare for those risks. For example, when hiking, there is a possibility of getting lost or injured. Having the necessary tools to keep safe can be very beneficial.
Hiking is a common activity that seems to be getting more popular each year. However, most hikers know that keeping their packs light will ensure easy travel. Fortunately, there are a variety of lightweight items that can be very helpful in the wilderness.
A whistle, flare gun, or other device that can alert others to the hiker’s location can be a great option if injured or lost. Lightweight fire starters and storm-proof matches can help keep the hiker warm if stuck in the wilderness overnight. Some important tools include a compass, a folding knife, and a reusable, collapsible bowl or cup.
Another common activity is boating. Emergencies can happen even on the water. Maintaining a waterproof box for any first aid supplies is a must. Flotation devices and marine flare guns can also be helpful if stuck in the water. Staying afloat and getting help fast is the most important thing to do.
Every activity has specific situations that may require specific tools. Understanding those needs and filling them can help prevent emergencies from turning deadly. In almost every situation, staying calm is the most important part.
In addition to preparing, individuals should learn who and where the emergency services are located. Whether in the community or out on the hiking trail, some people are ready to help in almost any situation. Knowing how to reach these people and get the services they offer will help prevent serious issues.
Another way to be prepared for a situation is to know what to do when faced with an emergency. Many local communities offer CPR and first aid training. These courses are usually low-cost or free. Having all the materials in the world only helps if the person knows how to use them properly. Knowledge can provide the power needed to keep individuals and their loved ones safe in a lot of situations.