Why Google Ads Are A Great Investment For Your Business

New business owners often ask if Google Ads are a good investment? Well, Google is the world’s number one site for users to run searches for things they are interested in, such as education, hobbies, entertainment, fashion, and of course, goods and services! Google is so popular for searches its name has even become a verb, all you have to do is Google it! An estimated 80% of today’s consumers run an online search before they go shopping for the products they are interested in purchasing. That’s a lot of people looking for things to buy, so yes, having your product present on the Google search page in a Google Ad is a very good investment, indeed!
If that sounds good to you, and it should, then the best way to get started with Google Ads is to get some help from the experts at the King Kong online ad agency, they will use their extensive know-how and internet savvy to ensure your ad campaign is a wild success!
Google’s ad platform is arguably the best deal on the planet for businesses to take advantage of, so let’s learn more about what goes into a successful campaign:
Choose A Goal – How do you want people to know about you? Is your goal to have people read positive reviews about your product, or to entice them with a catchy video? You can tailor your Google Ads in a vast number of ways to reach your businesses’ specific goals.
Choose A Location – The ability to narrow down the geographical locations where your Google Ads appear will ensure only the people in your area of outreach will be seeing them. For example, if your company serves the people in Surrey and its surrounds, having your ads show up in searches made over in Devon are pretty unlikely to bring you business, but having them seen in Sussex might. You are paying every time someone clicks your ad, so if they are geographically too far away to easily visit your business it’s a waste of your money!
Choose A Time – You can even decide the time of day and day of the week your ads will appear in searches! If your restaurant has a breakfast special aim for very early morning visibility all week long, if you own a pub with a Saturday night happy hour aim for afternoons and evenings later in the week!
Google Ads are versatile so they suit your business’s needs, you are guaranteed a lot of people will see them, so invest in success with Google Ads!